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Natuna Framework - v1.5.0


Natuna Framework came in source code form, so you can build it with your own tools. We used EsBuild as our default compiler and it's so fast. Learn more about EsBuild here


  1. Basic knowledge of Command Prompt
  2. Basic knowledge of NodeJS commands

Package Requirements

We would used a latest version of these packages, so please keep the latest update for these packages.

  1. NodeJS - https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. NPM - https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm
  3. Yarn - https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install/#windows-stable

Types of Builds

1. Files

Builds all files in the src folder.

  • ✔️ You need to build the files when:

    1. After cloning this repository on your local machine (Installation).
    2. After editing any script under src folder.
    3. After generating a new Database schema.
  • ❌ You DON'T need to build the files when:

    1. After editing configuration on package.json.

To build files, you need to run:

  • npm run build or yarn build to perform a single production build.
  • npm run build:dev or yarn build:dev to perform a development build.
  • npm run dev or yarn dev to perform a watch build, which will automatically rebuild the files when you change them.

2. Database

Builds the database schema. This is required after you edit the database migration file so that the new schema will be applied to the database module.

Current database is only support MySQL, and its schema is generated from SQL migration file under .natuna/database/mysql/migration.sql.

To build database, you need to run:

  • npm run db:migrate or yarn db:migrate to perform a a database migration from the migration file.
  • npm run db:create-schema or yarn db:create-schema to generate the new database schema from the migration file.
  • npm run db:setup or yarn db:setup to perform 2 steps above.


  1. Go to the Natuna Framework folder.
  2. Open command prompt and locate to the project folder using cd command.
  3. Run a build command based on your preference, check the build options above.
  4. Wait until it's finished.
  5. If there are no error presented at the end, then you good to go.

If you're ever wonder, yes, EsBuild is generating your whole file mostly under 1 second.

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